Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rhetoric and Blogging

Blogs are very interesting, and they can act as different things for different people. Some may use a personal blog just to act as a diary, while others might be writing comments on sports or a certain job industry. For the most part, they are very rhetorical and have many different opinions. I actually used to have a blog using LiveJournal and pretty much just used it as a diary. Sometimes it can be good just to write your feelings down and get it off your chest. I had to do blogs in my English 215 class, which is Contemporary Literature. I still don’t really know why we have to do it for class, but I guess it’s just a different way of communicating with classmates and being able to use different technology. As far as what we did in class this week, well, we only had one class so there really isn’t much to talk about yet. I’m really surprised at myself for saying this and meaning it, but I actually thought we had interesting discussions on rhetoric in class. Sometimes just reading about stuff doesn’t really help you to understand it, but it helped me really get what rhetoric means (although there are many different meanings for different people). I also realized that it really does play a HUGE role in our lives and it is used in just about every situation. Although I still wish I didn’t have to take this class, I do hope that I am able to get something out of it and learn some valuable things to take with me into my future career.