Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Big Ol' Rant

Well I haven’t blogged in a couple of weeks so I guess I should explain why. Right now I am taking not only this Technical Writing class, but I am also taking the last 4 graphics classes. All of the GC instructors will tell you that this is not the best idea, but has still been done in the past. That wasn’t exactly the plan though. I was taking one of the classes over Summer Session 2, but I had to take an incomplete for it because I got bit by a dog on my face and I just couldn’t catch up from all of the work that I had missed. Because I took an incomplete, I didn’t technically “register” for it for this semester, I just had to work it into my schedule. So I had to sign up for a Leisure Skills so that I could be a full-time student with 12 hours. So I added up all the hours I’m in class each week, and it adds up to 24 hours. I’m just trying to graduate in December! I’ve always stressed about school, but man, I have never stressed so much in my life until this semester. The past 3 weekends I’ve done nothing but get up early and do work all day Saturday and Sunday. Basically my point is, I’m taking this class because it is a general education requirement, and honestly, my Graphic Communications courses are much more important since it is actually my major. I’m not saying I’m not going to try in this class, but I have so much work that I have to figure out which classes and which assignments are my first priorities. I really am trying here! Sorry for the rant, but I just figured since I couldn’t think of anything else to blog about right now that I would explain some stuff and get it off my chest.


  1. I can understand your rant. I also have a full plate with taking 17 hours this semester along with working 36 hours on the weekend and to top it off, I have a family. Priorities come into play when there is so much to do.

    I wish you the best in all your classes. Hang in there, you are almost there.

  2. I can definitely understand why you would need to rant. I feel like school has been getting more and more busy, and not with just the classes but also with all the outside things we have to be thinking about since its senior year. I find myself just trying to focus on what I have to do in each class, and sometimes its hard to balance that with looking ahead and planning on what follows after graduation.

    Hopefully this project won't be too difficult, and it's nice that we're working in groups so that the responsibility is somewhat divided. Good luck with everything!

  3. I guess I will continue ranting. I'm a senior in mechanical engineering, working on graduating. I'm taking 18 hrs and all but this class are 400 level ME courses with two labs thrown in. I just find it odd that when you tell a teacher I just forgot to do the homework, they look at you like you are either an asshole or a retard. I know I have no sympathy for freshmen who come in and try to take 22 hrs just so they can be an overachiever, so I can't complain too much. But, the best thing is strait out telling the teacher that you didn't do their homework with your sole excuse being, 'I had more important things to do'. I've used this excuse before and it has a better result than you would probably think
