Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Graphics Consumes My Life...

Since things have changed a bit for our reading and blogging assignments, I guess I have to start reading even more articles on the printing industry. This week, I’m actually going to write about my experience in Chicago the weekend before last. All the juniors and seniors in Graphic Communications are invited to go to Chicago for GraphExpo every year. This is basically a big trade show all about printing with all the new presses and inks and new software technology. This was my third year going, and it has proved to be a very rewarding experience every time I have gone. I actually picked up many documents containing “technical writing” describing the new presses and their capabilities since I have to do a graphics project pretending to put a new wide-format inkjet press into my “company.” I even got a piece of vinyl with a tiger on it that is able to stick to any surface. Me and two other people went up to the FujiFilm guys and told them that we were from Clemson University and that we needed three copies and they did it for us! Needless to say, we got a lot of cool stuff and met a lot of interesting people.

Tuesday was Intern Employer Day for Graphic Communications majors, and I was chosen by the GC faculty as one of the co-chairs for it, so I had to be there all day, which is why I had to miss class. This is basically our “career fair” where graduating seniors can potentially find jobs and where we can find our internships since we have to have two to graduate. There was a lot of “technical writing” here as well, since people had lots of brochures and fliers on what the internships and jobs entail.

Well I didn’t get a chance to read any graphics-related articles, but I’ve definitely had my share of graphics-related technical writing over the past couple of weeks!


  1. It sounds like your major is keeping you busy! I think going to events like the trade show you attended are really great opportunities for students. This weekend I went to a conference related to my minor in Tennessee, and I'm really glad I got to go because it's a great learning experience.

  2. You major sounds like it is really fun. I am a bit jealous that you got to spend time recently in Chicago. That's my home and I miss and love it there! Well besides the weather. Anyways the conference expo sounds like it was a great time! Seems as if there is never a dull moment for your major!

  3. It is always interesting to see how our college classes actually become a part of the real world and relevant to want we want to do. I have seen technical writing show up in my major as well. It is something that is used a lot and should be very helpful after graduation.

  4. Sounds fun, I wish they had trips for other majors as well. I know that you said it consumes your life, but I'm glad that it's something that seems to make you happy. Maybe our group for the commissioned document will have to ask you for some opinions on how our final product can be more graphically appealing.

  5. Haha yeah, it's definitely time consuming. This semester has actually been the worst for me (if you need to see why, you can see my "Big Ol' Rant" post). I do love it though, but while it's not hard stuff, it is just SO much work! The professors really are about preparing us for the real world though. Seriously, if anyone needs help or advice on design or layout stuff for brochures and whatnot, I'll be glad to help out! :)

  6. Your experience at the trade show sounds very interesting! I am going to a conference in Austin, TX for my major soon, and it sounds like these conferences and trade shows are a great way to meet people and learn more about your major. And it just goes to show that technical writing is everywhere!
